Everyone has heard the age-old saying that "Life is fragile" and that you should handle it with care.
I won't deny this. There is always the possibility that life will come to an end, that something will go wrong and you won't be able to change it. But that's all that it is: A possibility. Just because life can be ended, doesn't mean that you shouldn't dare live it to the limits. Carpe Diem, seize the day. Carpe Noctem, seize the night.
Don't let yourself live in a bubble just because something bad might happen. Don't not confess your feelings for someone because they might not share them. Don't not live because you might die. Eventually you will, and I, being the firm believer in everything happens for a reason, believe that the time will come when you have achieved a greater purpose in life.
Now I could write a whole other blog describing my belief in fate but my disbelief in God, but I'll save that for when I run out of ideas.
Regardless: Live life to the fullest, no matter how fragile it might be.
Take that dance class that you've been eyeing for a few months, even if you don't have a partner and are afraid that you'll be standing alone in the corner of the room, trying to follow along by yourself.
Close your eyes for a few seconds while you're doing 85 on the freeway and there aren't any cars around.
Play your out of tune instrument and sing off key while you sit on your deck drinking beer, even if you have nosy neighbors.
Tell someone you love them and mean it.
Tell someone you love them, if only for a little while.
Love like you've never loved before and be the person you've always wanted to be, without fear, without hesitation.
Yes, life is fragile, but you also need to experience it before you can correctly call it as such.
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